Alina Adt

Artist of Unseen
Alina Adt comes from german artfamily - Die Pappmachédynastie Adt: german colonists invited to work in St Petersburg in the middle of 19 century. Nikolay Adt was a sculpture and participated in the construction of the palace of Grand Prince Vladimir next to the Hermitage.

Alina's great-grandfather - Konstantin Adt, was considered the best engraver of St. Petersburg.
Short Bio:
Born and grew up in St. Petersburg. Started to draw at the age of 5 with some help of the private art tutor and later graduated from the Schools of Art such as Art School of Iconography and Minor Academy of Arts.

For about 15 years Alina worked as a graphic designer, but after that she felt her art spirit needs to be fully developed in contemporary art.
Art of Unseen
Spiritual magical art by Alina Adt
"Art must heal the soul" said Antonio Meneghetti – and I belive so. Life was created by the Absolute Principle of Beauty – energy that unleash the unlimited power of human nature.

In this light Art should be a humanistic commitment, which puts the human being back at the centre of reality, intelligence and vital fulfilment.
In my art I'm interested to show the "invisible" part of the Universe and explore the hidden, spiritual side of life: the mystery story of the Holy Grail, a date of two souls in space or the goddess Ishtar. A large part of my paintings are devoted to meditative experiences in other worlds (the painting I'm working on is about iron flowers of Sirius :). Or it may be popular people from an unusual side – Richard Branson or an allegory of Central Park sitting in meditation surrounded by big city. Sometimes I paint my favorite places — a port in Nice or London, but still my main theme is another, more "magical" direction. Also I feel a great love for our planet since childhood and for me the Earth is a goddess and a child we need to take care of. You can see my digital art here.

I have the synesthesia (the ability to see the sounds), so my paintings include some kind of musical echo.
New artworks

DNA of the Gods, The Son of Eden
by Alina Adt /Oil on canvas, 60x60cm/ 2019

I'm a fan of René Magritte, and his painting "The son of Man". Besides this, the story of Creation of humans inspire me for a long long time, and I have been discovering a lot of legends. One of them impressed me much - the original Sumerian texts that describe the genetic engineering of humans.

Without a doubt, the apple on the René Magritte's masterpiece symbolizes the Ego. But, if we go deeper into the theological meaning of the Origin Sin - Apple is human's consciousness, that has been created in Eden.
Richard Branson - Stop thinking - start doing, 40x60 cm
12Arcanum Tarot - the Way, 60x70 cm
Beautiful Mind, 50x70 cm
Other paintings
Artwork - Life devoted to Palmyra arch acryllic on canvas, oct 2015
Life devoted to Palmyra arch, destroyed by terrorists in Siria. acryllic on canvas, oct 2015
Sangreal artwork
Sangreal art
Sangreal art - The Sangreal is another name for the Holy Grail, a legendary sacred vessel associated with divine revelation. According to legend, it has special powers, and is designed to provide happiness, eternal youth and food in infinite abundance. Grail is a mere sideshow: they say the Holy Grail is not a physical chalice, but a woman, namely Mary Magdalene, who carried the bloodline of Christ and literally means "royal blood". Anyway for me it is a sacret better world lies in harmony and love between man and woman.
Morning Dew
Morning Dew
Acryllic on canvas , 50x50 sm Private collection, London
Lotus Feet
Lotus Feet
Lotus Feet are not in the ground dedicated to Mahavishnu Orchestra and John McLaughlin The most beautiful things – are just an echoe. Meditation “Lotus Feet” Acryllic on canvas , 60x60
Sitting Central Park, New York
Sitting Central Park, New York
Small piece of Nature in the City. We can’t get rid of the city, so we have to enjoy it and keep the balance. If you watch from the sky you see a spot of the vital green among the steel concrete jungle.
Date with destiny
Date with destiny
no people, only Universe and two spirits kissing in the stars. acrillyc on canvas 40 x 60 sm
God of Arts
God of Arts
God of Arts, 60x80 sm acryllic on canvas
Bara Bora art
Sounds of silence. Bara Bora
Sounds of silence. Bara Bora acryllic on canvas 40x60 sm
Ishtar and flamingo
Ishtar and flamingo
Isis, Arədvī Sūrā Anāhitā, Ishtar - are the well known embody of the female principle which runs trough all cultures, lies low in every woman. According to the old legend flamingo saved people from starvation.
Led Zeppeling artwork by Alina Adt
Sing my Song - the Queen of Life
Led Zeppeling, Imigrant Song Acryllic on canvas
Let there be Light
Let there be Light
Acryllic on cardboard
Lavender field South of France 60x60 sm private collection in Riga
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